The Old Vicarage, Durham on Trent

Project background

Proposed conversion of an existing, redundant coach house into a residential dwelling (resubmission of planning application 17/00159/COU)

Archer Ecology were appointed in February 2020 to undertake a protected species survey in support of the planning application. The initial works involved:

  • Inspection for evidence of nesting birds
  • Inspection of the interior of the coach house for evidence of roostings bats by a licensed bat ecologist.
  • Production of a survey report to satisfty the discharge of a planning condition.

Survey findings

Roosting bats

The survey identified potential roosting features for bats and a subsequent dusk emergence bat survey was completed in May 2020. The dusk survey confirmed the presence of a single bat roost, occupied by three common pipistrelle bats, underneath roof tiles of an adjoining stable block.

Nesting birds

The protected species survey identified possite nesting features, including wall crevices, horizontal ledges and guttering, that have the potential to be occupied by small and medium-sized passerine birds during the bird breeding season. 

What solution we offered

- Inputting to the works programme and methods - The works were programmed during the winter months, when bats would not be occupying the adjacent stable block. This also has the advantage of avoiding the main nesting bird season.

- Provision of a working method statement - The method statement was produced for the building contractors to ensure that works were completed in such a way that the bat roost within the adjacent stable block remained undisturbed. 

- Delivery of a pre-works toolbox talk - The toolbox talk included an overview of how to identify bats, their legal protection and what to do in the unlikely event that bats are encountered during the works.

- Ecologist supervision  - A licensed bat ecologist was appointed to supervise works within close proximity to the roost site to ensure that these did not breach the protection afforded to bats and their roost sites. 

Does your project require a protected species survey?

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Telephone: 01427 811643 | 07583 802069
